海外ファンが開発者に対して質問 Twitter/@TakudzwaWillia6さんより @MonsterclipRSPN when is crypto going to get a buff because as a crypto main I feel like he can be a liability havi...
PS5 - THE FUTURE OF GAMING SHOW YouTube/PlayStation PS5のコントローラー「DualSense Wireless Controller」 PS5のHD Camera PS5の無線ヘッドホン「PULSE 3D Wireless Headset」 PS5 Media R...
Apex Legends Global Series Online #6 ファイナル最終結果 NA NAの大会最終結果はこの通り、試合は合計5試合行われました。 チャンピオンを2回と合計25キルポイントを獲得しNAのオンライン大会最終結果は合計57ポイントで「NRG」が1位となりました。 2位は「Sola Fide」、...
プロゲーマーがツイートした金ノックダウンシールドについてのツイート内容 NAのトップAPEXチーム「TSM」のメンバー Make self rez only work if at least 1 of your teammates is alive. Maybe increase the speed of using ...
Twitter/@PlayApexより Heads up, Legends! This morning, we pushed through a small fix that addressed the following: 🔸Mastiff spawn rates have been lowered ...
Twitter/@PlayApexより Zip into action with the Pathfinder Edition! Locked and loaded with everything you'll need for your next adventure, the Pathfinder Edition i...
Twitter/@PlayApexより Let the hunt begin. 🐺 Get the Fortune's Favor Pack and unlock the Pack Hunter Loba skin as well as 600 Apex Coins. Available now in ...
Twitter/@lowkeydbjoshさんより(Respawnのプロデューサー) New patch available! Go check your updates and downloadddd pic.twitter.com/9tcROH0qcM — josh medina (@lowkeydbjosh) M...
Twitter/@PlayApexより Heads up, Legends: We are aware of and investigating connectivity issues impacting Apex across all platforms. We will continue to update you...
Twitter/@PlayApexより Hey everyone! We want to let you know that we just pushed a server side patch to all platforms to address a recent issue with hit registrati...
Twitter/@shrugtalさんより How to get in (and out) of the Loot Bunker. There's a bunch of gold items that always spawn there. pic.twitter.com/AmTszMLWZp — Shrugtal (...
Twitter/@PlayApexより Meet the best thief in the Outlands—Loba. Her keen eye for valuables allows her to see top-tier loot through walls. Dangerous situations are...