海外のAPEXファンが質問 @PlayApex @MonsterclipRSPN @lowkeydbjosh Just got some heirloom shards (WAHOOOOO) but my main is all our favourites Crypto. Maybe something soon o...
エーペックスレジェンズ パッチノート1.42 Game Update! We've pushed out two updates this morning: 🔨Fixes addressing Loba's tactical usability on World's Edge. There are st...
Twitter/@PlayApexより We are aware of Loba's tactical not always being placed on Worlds Edge and we are currently testing a client side fix for it. For more info,...
Twitter/@PlayApexより We are aware of a bug affecting Wraith's hitbox when the Marble Goddess skin is applied. We have deployed a hotfix to bring her hitbox back ...