reddit/Steel369さんより 引用元: Lifeline's eyes popped out as I was about to kill her with melee attack. Some sort of rare interaction, I suppose? 海外の反応 ホラー映画 怖すぎwなんだこ...
reddit/FrozenFrohさんより 引用元: Here is a video showcasing what the Season 1 Trailer was hiding and was MAYBE hiding オクタンが落ちていったあとのシーン切り替えには”リパルサーが真ん中に”見える シーンが切り替...
Shroudの配信中より Shroud「何だ!?」(What?) Shroud「あぁ彼は試合を抜けたのか。なんだそれ(金シールドの)意味ねえじゃん!」(Oh, he left the game. That’s horseshit.) Shroud「俺のシールドが...俺のシールド... まじでクソったれか?最悪だな...
Twitter/@That1MiningGuyさんより So to everyone thinking the current flyers are pushovers... my theory is that these are the scouts, the little guys, we'll have bigg...