reddit/MWilly32さんより 引用元: I accidentally did a thing. ...
reddit/KidBroSweets2さんより 弟のApex初プレイが200IQのキルだった 引用元: My brothers 200 IQ kill on his first ever game ...
reddit/Whiteowl116さんより これが150時間パスファインダーをプレイした動きだぜ 引用元: This is what 150+ hours of Pathfinder looks like. ...
reddit/HEND034さんより 引用元: Care packages are deadly. ...
reddit/Maginothさんより 引用元: Really starting to like octane ...
reddit/OhPxpiさんより 敵はフィニッシャーで決めようとしたけど、僕たちのチームは一歩先を進んでいたよ 引用元: Enemy tries to do a finisher while I’m self reviving, but my team mate was one step ahead of him....
reddit/IcemanM3さんより 引用元: So there I am in a now 1v1 scenario, healing myself with a phoenix cause I'm 1hp, and all of a sudden the last guy HURDLES MY BODY and ...
reddit/xlRadioactiveさんより 引用元: When you bamboozle yourself ...
reddit/Midorishiさんより 空中ショット 引用元: Flying shot...
reddit/DoesntEatDoodyさんより 引用元: One of the most despicable randoms I've ever played with....
reddit/_N7Legionさんより 引用元: Last dude was AFK, so we called something on him to spice up our win...
reddit/JiffryGamingさんより 26キルで4000ダメージを出したゲームだぜ 引用元: 26 Kills,4000 Damage Game ...
reddit/danecandoさんより ジップラインと思ったらあなたはApexのやりすぎ 引用元: you know you're playing too much apex when you walk up to this and think 'ill just zip over' ...
reddit/etaiwさんより 引用元:Pathfinders Dirty Little Grapple. Literally said to the buddy I was playing with as I was running across the roof, "Let's see if this works...
reddit/lennyr6さんより 引用元:Anyone else hate it when Pathfinders Grapple glitches out? ...