海外では時差の関係で本日、沢山のAPEXファン達から祝われています🥳#エーペックスレジェンズ #ApexLegends pic.twitter.com/PDNlft9ky8
— Apex Legends日本語Wiki管理人 (@ApexLegendsWiki) February 25, 2021

"Someone leaked Caustic's birth date and his fans found ways to reach out to him on his age reminding day."
Happy 49th Birthday to Caustic Apex Legends!!! Some awesome peeps from the Caustic Mains Discord cooked up this tribute to Gas Dad for his birthday! pic.twitter.com/mVQplP9DO7
— Py-Bun and the Legend of the Spicy Eyebrows (@py_bun) February 25, 2021