Twitter/@shrugtalさんより Ah that's not dome, that's the smaller structure near Dome. Which means the rocket is right here, deleting that mountain area! Sorry VA la...
Twitter/@shrugtalさんより I would like Mirage's decoys flashbanging you when you shoot them to be un-scrapped please. — Shrugtal (@shrugt...
Twitter/@shrugtalさんより Working on collecting all info possible on this upcoming "Clubs" feature I found for Apex Legends. Think like a Clan or Guild. Would actua...
Twitter/@Biast12さんより the twitch prime skin i already have posted about — Biast12 (Tobias) (@Biast12) June 23, 2020 エペ速管理人 ジブラルタルの次はパス...
期間限定イベントは既に計画済み Any new ltm coming soon? — Riddytim (@301_tim) July 7, 2020 【APEX公式開発者に対して】 新しい期間限定イベントはもうすぐ? Yep — Jason McCord (@MonsterclipRSPN) July 7, 2020...
Twitter/@shrugtalさんより クラブ作成機能のゲームコード Guilds / Teams / Clubs seem to be in-development. — Shrugtal (@shrugtal) June 28, 2020 NPCを読み込むゲ...